26 players online request your hacks


I'm back.
  • Hey guys! I really hope some of the good ol boys from back in the day are still kicking around here occasionally. Alot has changed since i was last here. For one I've grown up a bunch! Im now 21 and a security patrol officer in my home state of Oregon. And some even more exciting news I turned Bad Company into something new and awesome not long after I left this site I turned it into a gaming community thats still going strong 5 years later! We have people from all over the country and all over the world from places like Britain, Canada and even Serbia. This platform may be dead but the community doesn't have to die with it! We have a youtube channel with 612 subscribers i know its not huge but frankly making the videos is really fun to me. We also have a discord with most of our 20+ members are apart of. Ill leave links for all this below I encourage you guys to come hang out :) also my PSN and new screen name in general is: AGoose_17

    Discord: https://discord.gg/aC9YPF

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUQxWvRxJhwbVL-2x6NIADw
  • hi there, disc link is invalid, Any chance u could hit me up my discord is enzo#7607 and heres a discord im in incase you cant friend me https://discord.gg/SuNqfnK
  • im still mentally 10 years old guys stop growing up
  • Yeah I fucked up and accidentally made the link expire lmao. Im goose on the discord you should drop by sometime chief :)