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Feedback for Helios and the Spartan
  • This discussion is related to the Helios and the Spartan game.

    A Hack & Slash/Brick Breaker hybrid set in the Underworld of Greek mythology. Tonite you dine in Hell.

    Keep Helios alive while using your Spartan skills to battle through 30 levels of undead warriors!

    - 30 levels of hack slashin', brick breakin' action!
    - Dozens of fully animated enemy types!
    - 10 stages of beautifully painted backgrounds!
    - Different music for every stage!
  • I would say im first, but i dont really care..
  • So ha, you guys cant say your first.
  • pretty boring game though
  • Hey spartan!
    Im here
  • buzz off
  • Nuclear Bomb - Large Size Image from AnimateIt.net

    WHO SAYS 1ST 2nd 3rd ETC...