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War Droids Hacked

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War Droids
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Strategy Upgrade Sci Fi Click to find more games like this.
Cheat: Unlimited Health hack. Upgrades and units are all free.
  • War Droids Screenshot
  • War Droids Screenshot
  • War Droids Screenshot
  • War Droids Screenshot

Cheat description (What's hacked?)

Unlimited Health hack. Upgrades and units are all free.

Game Description

We had been fighting the drogs for decades. When we ran out of people to fight them with we made machines to do the same. An army of droid soldiers, but even that wasn’t enough. Now all that stands between humanity and exinction is this last space gun and droid making facility.

Take control of the last remaining space gun. You are our last hope!

Use your space gun, and droid building functions to destroy the incoming drogs and then finally destroy their base to clear the planet of their presence! clear 10 planets to complete your mission!

Use the money you have to build droids or fire off the space gun.

You also have energy, which if reaches zero your mission would have failed!

There are 5 types of droid, and 5 possible upgrades available, use each wisely!

Each planet faces new challenges, so be careful!

As each level progresses the Drogs move faster towards your base! Good luck commander!

How To Play

Scroll Screen:

Use left/right arrow keys, a/d or move the mouse to the edge of the game screen to scroll the screen.

Rotate Gun:

Use up/down arrow keys, w/s or click on the “up”, “down” arrows in the game panel at the bottom to rotate your space gun up or down.

Fire Gun:

Use the space bar, or click on the BIG GREEN BUTTON in the panel at the bottom to fire the gun. Each tim…

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