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Doodle God 2 Hacked

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Doodle God 2 (play original game)
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Game Description

The long awaited sequel from creators of Doodle God/Devil series is here!

Doodle God 2 developed by JoyBits Ltd features improved reactions set, tons of funny quotes, two additional episodes of gameplay and updated graphics. The ultimate World Creation experience work your way up, all the way from bacteria and beetles, to clay and ceramics, to tools, weapons and beyond. But beware, creating a whole world is not so easy – inventing the wheel might just end in a plague of zombies. Unleash your inner god with Doodle God 2!

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  • i thought that human+weapons=war
  • One more, Good+Evil=Neutral
  • tierra + fuego = lava
    aire + tierra = el polvo
    del aire + fuego = energía
    energía + agua = tormenta
    de polvo + fuego = ceniza
    lava + aire = piedra
    fuego + piedra = metal
    + agua = piedra arena
    energía eléctrica + metal =
    agua + aire = vapor
    metálicos + caldera de vapor =
    fuego + arena = vidrio
    de agua + tierra = pantano
    de fuego + agua = alcohol
    pantano + = arcilla arena
    pantano + energía = vida
    alcohol + agua = vodka
    + agua = vida malas hierbas
    del pantano LIFE + = bacterias
    malas hierbas del pantano + = musgo
    + = tierra hierba musgo
    pantano pasto + = caña
    + agua = bacterias plancton
    vida + arena = semillas de
    vida + cenizas = fantasma
    vida + piedra = huevo
    huevo + tierra = dinosaurio
    dinosaurio dragón + fuego =
    aire + huevo = pájaro
    pantano + musgo = helecho
    arcilla LIFE + = golem
    golem + = vida humana
    humanos + fuego = cadáveres
    humanos + Human ***o =
    vida + = cadáver zombie
    zombie cadáver + = ghoul
    humanos + energía = asistente
    Wizard + energía = semidiós
    de semilla + tierra = árbol
    humanos + metal = herramientas
    herramientas de metal + = armas
    armas + = hombre cazador
    cazador + armas = guerrero
    dragón guerrero + + = héroe sangre
    sangre humana = + vampiro
    + fuego = ladrillos de arcilla
    herramientas + caña = papel
    pájaro cazador = + carne + pluma + sangre
    + árbol = herramienta madera
    papel pluma + = libro
    pantano + bacterias = gusano + azufre
    árbol + fuego = ceniza + ceniza + carbón
    carbón caldera + = máquina de vapor
    humano + alcohol = alcohol
    arena + gusano = serpiente
    serpiente + agua = pez
    de agua + aceite de carbón =
    plancton + = pez ballena
    serpiente + Herramientas = veneno
    veneno + = arma envenenada arma
    arma envenenada + humano = asesino
    madera + herramienta = rueda
    tierra + herramientas de campo =
    campo + semillas = trigo
    trigo + harina de piedra =
    harina + agua = masa de
    pasta + fuego = pan
    pan + alcohol = cerveza
    arena + huevo = tortuga
    del pantano + huevo = lagarto
    madera + volante = cesta
    de compra + máquina de vapor locomotora =
    ave fénix + fuego =
    lagarto + tierra = bestia
    bestia + vampiro hombre lobo =
    gusano + tierra = escarabajo
    hierba fuego + = tabaco
    escarabajo + arena = escorpión
    tabaco + = papel de cigarrillo
    de madera + agua = barco
    carro + = bestia carro
    cazador bestia = + carne + lana + sangre
    humana + = arcilla cerámica
    humano + piedra = choza
    de piedra + plancton = shell
    shell + piedra = caliza
    caliza + arcilla cemento =
    herramientas + = lana tejido
    humano + bestia animal domesticado =
    vida + árbol = ents
    malezas + tierra = seta
    + agua = cemento hormigón
    hormigón + ladrillos = casa
    pescado + bestia = delfín
    madera + = barco barco
    petrolero + carro = coche
    coche y avión avión =
    tejido + humanos = ropa
    de aire + gusano mariposa =
    100. tormenta + ave = thunderbird
    vidrio + casa = rascacielos
    animal doméstico hierba + = + leche fertilizante
    caliza + abono = salitre
    salitre + azufre = pólvora
    arma + = arma de fuego pólvora
    barco + tela = fragata
    barco + motor de vapor vapor
  • human+sumthings small=baby+music=stupid baby jb
  • ***+computer= porn lol
  • hey the creaters should make doodle god 3
    by the way peopel of the internet have you played doodle devil
  • i like this game
  • earth + fire = lava
    air + earth = dust
    air + fire = energy
    energy + air = storm
    fire + dust = ash
    lava + air = stone
    fire + stone = metal
    water + stone = sand
    energy + metal = electricity
    water + air = steam
    metal + steam = boiler
    fire + sand = glass
    water + earth = swamp
    fire + water = alcohol
    swamp + sand = clay
    swamp + energy = life
    alcohol + water = vodka
    water + life = weeds
    swamp + life = bacteria
    swamp + weeds = moss
    earth + moss = grass
    swamp + grass = reed
    water + bacteria = plankton
    life + sand = seeds
    life + ash = ghost
    life + stone = egg
    egg + earth = dinosaur
    dinosaur + fire = dragon
    air + egg = bird
    swamp + moss = fern
    clay + life = golem
    golem + life = human
    human + fire = corpse
    human + human = ***
    life + corpse = zombie
    zombie + corpse = ghoul
    human + energy = wizard
    wizard + energy = demigod
    seed + earth = tree
    human + metal = tools
    metal + tools = weapons
    weapons + man = hunter
    hunter + weapons = warrior
    warrior + dragon = hero + blood
    blood + human = vampire
    fire + clay = bricks
    tools + reed = paper
    bird + hunter = meat + feather + blood
    tree + tool = wood
    feather + paper = book
    swamp + bacteria = worm + sulfur
    tree + fire = ash + ash + coal
    coal + boiler = steam-engine
    human + alcohol = alcoholic
    sand + worm = snake
    snake + water = fish
    water + coal = oil
    plankton + fish = whale
    snake + tools = poison
    poison + weapon = poisoned weapon
    poisoned weapon + human = assassin
    wood + tool = wheel
    earth + tools = field
    field + seeds = wheat
    wheat + stone = flour
    flour + water = dough
    dough + fire = bread
    bread + alcohol = beer
    sand + egg = turtle
    swamp + egg = lizard
    wood + wheel = cart
    cart + steam engine = locomotive
    bird + fire = phoenix
    lizard + earth = beast
    beast + vampire = werewolf
    worm + earth = beetle
    fire + grass = tobacco
    beetle + sand = scorpion
    tobacco + paper = cigarette
    wood + water = boat
    cart + beast = chariot
    hunter + beast = meat + wool + blood
    human + clay = ceramics
    human + stone = hut
    stone + plankton = shell
    shell + stone = limestone
    limestone + clay = cement
    tools + wool = fabric
    human + beast = domesticated animal
    life + tree = treant
    weeds + earth = mushroom
    water + cement = concrete
    concrete + bricks = house
    fish + beast = dolphin
    wood + boat = ship
    oil + cart = car
    car + air = airplane
    fabric + human = clothes
    air + worm = butterfly
    100. storm + bird = thunderbird
    glass + house = skyscraper
    domestic animal + grass = milk + fertilizer
    limestone + fertilizer = saltpeter
    saltpeter + sulfur = gunpowder
    weapon + gunpowder = firearm
    ship + fabric = frigate
    ship + steam engine = steamship

    Congratulations! You have completed all combinations in Doodle God Episode 1!
    If you can’t find the element you are looking for, it should exist in next episode.
    Visit Doodle God Episode 2 to proceed next stage for more element combinations
    Angry_Dude May 2012 Permalin

  • earth + fire = lava
    air + earth = dust
    air + fire = energy
    energy + air = storm
    fire + dust = ash
    lava + air = stone
    fire + stone = metal
    water + stone = sand
    energy + metal = electricity
    water + air = steam
    metal + steam = boiler
    fire + sand = glass
    water + earth = swamp
    fire + water = alcohol
    swamp + sand = clay
    swamp + energy = life
    alcohol + water = vodka
    water + life = weeds
    swamp + life = bacteria
    swamp + weeds = moss
    earth + moss = grass
    swamp + grass = reed
    water + bacteria = plankton
    life + sand = seeds
    life + ash = ghost
    life + stone = egg
    egg + earth = dinosaur
    dinosaur + fire = dragon
    air + egg = bird
    swamp + moss = fern
    clay + life = golem
    golem + life = human
    human + fire = corpse
    life + corpse = zombie
    zombie + corpse = ghoul
    human + energy = wizard
    wizard + energy = demigod
    seed + earth = tree
    human + metal = tools
    metal + tools = weapons
    weapons + man = hunter
    hunter + weapons = warrior
    warrior + dragon = hero + blood
    blood + human = vampire
    fire + clay = bricks
    tools + reed = paper
    bird + hunter = meat + feather + blood
    tree + tool = wood
    feather + paper = book
    swamp + bacteria = worm + sulfur
    tree + fire = ash + ash + coal
    coal + boiler = steam-engine
    human + alcohol = alcoholic
    sand + worm = snake
    snake + water = fish
    water + coal = oil
    plankton + fish = whale
    snake + tools = poison
    poison + weapon = poisoned weapon
    poisoned weapon + human = assassin
    wood + tool = wheel
    earth + tools = field
    field + seeds = wheat
    wheat + stone = flour
    flour + water = dough
    dough + fire = bread
    bread + alcohol = beer
    sand + egg = turtle
    swamp + egg = lizard
    wood + wheel = cart
    cart + steam engine = locomotive
    bird + fire = phoenix
    lizard + earth = beast
    beast + vampire = werewolf
    worm + earth = beetle
    fire + grass = tobacco
    beetle + sand = scorpion
    tobacco + paper = cigarette
    wood + water = boat
    cart + beast = chariot
    hunter + beast = meat + wool + blood
    human + clay = ceramics
    human + stone = hut
    stone + plankton = shell
    shell + stone = limestone
    limestone + clay = cement
    tools + wool = fabric
    human + beast = domesticated animal
    life + tree = treant
    weeds + earth = mushroom
    water + cement = concrete
    concrete + bricks = house
    fish + beast = dolphin
    wood + boat = ship
    oil + cart = car
    car + air = airplane
    fabric + human = clothes
    air + worm = butterfly
    100. storm + bird = thunderbird
    glass + house = skyscraper
    domestic animal + grass = milk + fertilizer
    limestone + fertilizer = saltpeter
    saltpeter + sulfur = gunpowder
    weapon + gunpowder = firearm
    ship + fabric = frigate
    ship + steam engine = steamship
  • void + glass = lightbulb
    void + electricity = radio wave
    light bulb + radio wave = tv
    tv + book = computer
    radiowave + radiowave = radiation
    metal + radiation = plutonium
    plutonium + weapon = Nuclear Bomb
    computer + radio wave = cell phone
    energy + fire = plasma
    plasma + void = sun
    sun + grass = flower
    sun + flower = sunflower
    tree + flower = apple
    sand + tree = palm tree
    seeds + energy = coffee
    void + airplane = rocket
    Void + rocket= Satellite
    Radio wave + fire = laser
    laser + book = CD
    metal + water = quicksilver
    quick silver demigod= philospers stone
    Apple + cell phone = gold
    human + computer = cyborg
    computer + computer = internet
  • opiujdi8hvfduivhduvduuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
    strool down gay

    i got a boy waiting down here its called my dick
  • fire+Boy-fire boy
    water+girl-water girl
    water girl = fire boy =waterboy and firegirl at http://kongregate.com
  • THIS GAME IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...Im negative 0th{WINNER}
  • this is the coolest game! hey why it's not working when water and sand into cement? hehehe ][_, {[]} ][_,
  • those any one have the hint how to get the Skeleton? xD
    i knew there's something like that
  • i get the ***
    by using human and human
  • ?+?=void,please help me
  • ?+?=plasma,help me
  • ?+?=cheese,help me
  • ?+?=quick silver,help me
  • water+philosipher stone =BEER?!
  • yep....although i dont get how zombies cant turn humans into zombies -_-
  • quicksilver+demigod=philosopher stone
    Yur welcome!

  • Outcome First Item Second Item
    Alien Void Life
    Antibiotics Bacteria Medicine
    Dept Bank Money
    Mechanism Tools Law
    Money Paper Gold
    Typewriter Book Mechanism
    UFO Rocket Alien
    Virus Human Bacteria
    Clock Glass Sand
    Credit Card Money Debt
    Ant Beetle Work
    Cat+Dog House Beast
    Octopus Fish Knowledge
    Rat Beast Human Medicine
    Astronaut Human Rocket
    Hacker Computer Virus
    Journalist Human Typewriter
    Knowledge Human Book
    Medicine Virus Knowledge
    Medicine Bacteria Knowledge
    Pirate Ship Alcoholic
    Policeman Soldier Law
    Scientist Human Knowledge
    Soldier Firearm Warrior
    Work Human Money
    Caviar Egg Fish
    Cheese Milk Bacteria
    Cookies Bread Sugar
    Freezer Ice Mechanism
    Ice Glass Water
    Ice Cream Ice Cookies
    Ice Cream Ice Milk
    Pie Apple Dough
    Salt Sea Sun
    Salt Sea Fire
    Steak Meat Fire
    Sugar Reed Field
    Death Metal Corpse Electricity
    Fun Human Music
    Fun Human Games
    Fun Human Sex
    Games Law Fun
    Law+Sin Religion Human
    Music Human Reed
    Religion Commandments Human
    Rock N’ Rock Alcohol Music
    Rock N’ Rock Vodka Music
    Rock N’ Rock Sex Music
    Bank Money House
    Bank Money Skyscraper
    Sea Water Water
    Absinthe Alcohol Grass
    B-52 Coffee Vodka
    Hangover Vodka Beer
    Molotov Cocktail Fire Vodka
    Rum Pirate Vodka
    Rum Pirate Alcohol
    Russian Roulette Firearm Vodka
    Tavern Hut Vodka
    Tavern Hut Beer
    Tavern Hut Alcohol
    Tavern Hut Alcoholic
    Tavern House Vodka
    Tavern House Beer
    Tavern House Alcohol
    Tavern House Alcoholic
    Tequila Worm Alcohol
    Tequila Worm Vodka
    White Russian Vodka Milk
    Censored Sex Sex
    Corpse Dept Firearm
    Bank Money Mechanism
    Alien+Alien Astronaut Alien
    Knowledge Scientist Money
    Hangover Pirate Money
    Hangover Alcoholic Money
    Ice Freezer Water
    Money+Money+Money Money Money
    Sin Sex Money
    Religion Apple Cell Phone
    Virus Hacker Internet
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