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Aeon Defense Hacked

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Aeon Defense
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Cheat: Infinite money.
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Cheat description (What's hacked?)

Infinite money.

Game Description

RPG/Defense in Dota style! Destroy enemy castle before he destroys yours!

How To Play

Game is based on Dota map for Warcraft3, so it uses similar mechanics.

The goal of the game is to destroy enemy castle while protecting yours. Player controls the Hero which he can level up and upgrade in other ways (buying items and artifacts in the store, collecting runes).

Both castles are on the different sides of the map. Every now an than a wave of monsters (creeps) are spawned on both bases an march at the opposite castle. Also there is AI (Computer controlled) Heroes that play at both player and enemy sides.

Creeps in the middle corridor are generated by the castle. Creeps in top and bottom corridors are generated by the BARRACKS. If you loose your barracks it will stop producing troops (same for the enemy). Destroying enemy barracks is much easier than destroying castle.


Hero is controlled with mouse. You can click on the ground to move or on the enemy to attack it with primary Hero attack.

All Heroes can learn special abilities (Skills) as they level up. Available skills will appear on skills panel and can be applied by clicking on the skill icon or using hotkey (1-9 on the keyboard).

You can return to your Hero at any time by pressing ‘Space Bar’. This will snap camera to the Hero. Pressing ‘Space Bar’ again will free the camera.

Please see in game Help and Rules sections for more details.

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