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Elf Girl Sim Date RPG Hacked

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Elf Girl Sim Date RPG
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Cheat: Infinite gold, health.
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  • Elf Girl Sim Date RPG Screenshot
  • Elf Girl Sim Date RPG Screenshot
  • Elf Girl Sim Date RPG Screenshot

Cheat description (What's hacked?)

Infinite gold, health.

Game Description

Meet several cute anime girls from Middle Earth, build up stats and go on dates.

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  • im the first person to share my thoughts
  • this pag can't hack the load?
  • wtf
  • i need help
  • here are the codes and stats about the girls:
  • Codes

    Maximum of each item in your inventory - Conspiracy
    Cosette 8,000 experience points - Daughter / greyhaired
    Fantine 8,000 experience points - Prostitution
    Elphaba 8,000 experience points - Witch
    Eponine 8,000 experience points - Barricade
    Nessarose 8,000 experience points - Wicked
    Glinda 8,000 experience points - Popular
    Boost All Stats to 100 - Twilight

    Girl Statistics

    Age: 20years old
    Birthday: November 11
    Breast: 79 cm.
    Colors: Pink and White
    Drink: Water
    Food: On a diet
    From: The Fangorn Forest
    Height: 152 cm.
    Hips: 70 cm.
    Location: Great River
    LOTR book: The Hobbit
    LOTR Song: "On My Own" Gollums Song
    LOTR Location: The Shine
    LORT part: The Hobit
    Phone number: 1-998-5426-377
    Quote: "You can close you eyes to reality but not to memories."
    Sign: The Thief
    Stats: Persuasion and Speed
    Video game: Lord of the Rings Battle
    Weight: 41 KG
    Waist: 48 cm.

    Age: 19 years old
    Birthday: December 14
    Sign: The Witch
    Phone number: 1-542-1897-236
    Drink: Water
    Food: anything not too special
    Colors: Yellow and Purple
    Location: The Dark City
    Stats: Magic and Strength
    Song: "Defying Gravity" Wicked
    LOTR book: The Fellowship of the Ring
    LOTR Song: Mina's Morgul
    Quote: "I don't care whether I live or die."
    Video game: Defend Your Castle
    Weight: 55 KG
    Height: 171 cm.
    Breast: 84 cm.
    Waist: 53 cm.
    Hips: 81 cm.

    (Les Miserables)
    Age: 18 years old
    Birthday: February 19
    Breast: 71 cm.
    Colors: Black and White
    Drink: Water
    Food: Anything Healthy
    Height: 159 cm.
    Hips: 75 cm.
    Location: The Woods
    LOTR book: The Return of the King
    LOTR Song: Concerning Hobbit
    LOTR Location: The Misty Mountains
    Phone number: 1-541-2367-089
    Quote: "A wall against pain is also a wall that keeps out the joy."
    Sign: The Night
    Stats: Charm and Romance
    Video game: The Sims
    Weight: 46 KG
    Waist: 49 cm.

    (Les Miserables)
    Age: 21 years old
    Birthday: May 30
    Breast: 83 cm.
    Colors: White and Blue
    Drink: A strong pint of beer
    Food: Pizza =)
    From: The Grey havens
    Hips: 80 cm
    Location: The Beach
    LOTR book: The Hobbit
    LOTR Location: The Grey havens
    LOTR Song: The Bridge of Khazad-Dum
    Phone number: 1-550-2200-911
    Quote: "Worry does not empty today of it's sorrow, but if it's strength."
    Sign: The Spring
    Stats: Speed and Strength
    Video game: Final Fantasy VII
    Weight: 51 KG
    Waist: 52 cm.

    Age: 20 years old
    Birthday: July 26
    Sign: The Tower
    Phone number: 1-541-7140-290
    Drink: The finest Wine from Moria
    Food: Anything Healthy
    Colors: Black and Blue
    Location: The Night Club
    Stats: Magic and Romance
    Song: "Popular" Wicked
    LOTR book: The Two Towers
    Quote: "You can close you eyes to reality but not to memories."
    LORT soundtrack: The treason of Isengard
    LORT location: Helms Deep

    Video game: Kingdom Hearts
    Weight: 52 KG
    Height: 166 cm.
    Breast: 79 cm.
    Waist: 52 cm.
    Hips: 81 cm.
    LOTR Location:
    From: Ravindell

    Age: 18 years old
    Birthday: March 22
    Sign: The Guardian
    Phone number: 1-542-1620-112
    Drink: I dislike drinking
    Food: On a diet
    Colors: Orange and Red
    Location: The Casino
    Stats: Charm and Strength
    Song: "No Good Deed" Wicked
    LOTR book: Return of the King
    Quote: You can close...not memories
    Video game: Unreal Flash - Halo
    Weight: 50 KG
    Height: 156 cm.
    Breast: 75 cm.
    Waist: 54 cm.
    Hips: 80 cm.
    From: The Grey Heavens
    LOTR Song: The council of Elrond
    LORT part: The Return of the King
    LORT location: Mina's Tirith
  • it didnt worked!
  • if he game is not loading right click then press play
  • Yep WTF I agree this game is Sick
  • @trollboy idiot how do you hack the load, you still have to load the game
  • I Rhater stay naked
  • it did't work i feel like i am ****ed
  • eponine is to hard to get over with >:P
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