God mode.
Note: Press P to pause while in game to access your options menu. This is very important if you are having any lag as turning on low quality and turning off blood can help reduce lag. Also if you want to mute the game or turn off the screen shaking effect that occurs when you shoot a zombie you can do that in the pause menu as well. Zombie Warfare DX is an optimized version of Zombie Warfare with much less lag and loads of bug fixes.
In Zombie Warfare DX your mission is to survive the incoming onslaught of zombies for 30 straight waves. In between each wave you'll get to spend the money you earn on new weapons, upgrades, and more. You will have to face two bosses in this game one on wave 15 and one on wave 30. Think you can survive the Zombie Warfare?
Arrows / AWSD keys to move your character. Mouse to aim and shoot. Number keys (1-5) to switch weapons. Space bar to activate rage when available(Doubles speed and makes shots faster and more powerful. Rage charges as you kill zombies.) P to pause and access options.