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Fantasy Kommander Hacked

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Fantasy Kommander
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Cheat: Lots of money.
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  • Fantasy Kommander Screenshot
  • Fantasy Kommander Screenshot
  • Fantasy Kommander Screenshot

Cheat description (What's hacked?)

Lots of money.

Game Description

FK will turn you into a fearless General of the Humans, Orcs, Elves, Dwarves or maybe some other incredible race!

Who will prevail over the ancient continent of the Seven Pillars of Eukarion?
Setup your army and let the battle begin!

The game contains the following outstanding gameplay features:
1. Strategy-RPG turn based game;
2. A deep and involving Storyline set in a dark, medieval world inspired to the European Middle Age enriched by Fantasy narrative tradition;
3. 17 different Armies to buy, upgrade and unleash in Battle!
4. Each Army has over 20 characteristics (to manage and increase during the “war plan phase”);
5. 24 Special Abilities to increase the power of your Army;
6. 18 available spells playing the Elf General;
7. Over 20 different Enemy Armies;
8. High Replayability in Campaign Mode:

3 Different Generals (every one with unique abilities or spells): The Elf Mage, The Knight, The Dwarft;
3 Difficulty Level, playable only at the end of every Campaign (you can play the hard campaign only if you finish the normal one before);
4 Different Endings in the Campaign Mode;
66 Different Battles to play!

9. 10 “Historic” Battles in War Academy mode;

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