(4.10)Cheat: Type in the cheats menu (Career menu -> Bonus content -> Cheats):
Bulletproof - TFIS, 2x more ammo from killed enemies - GAM, Move faster - EVOM, More powerful weapons - REWOP, Faster reload time - DAOLER, Unlock all chapters - UNLOCK
(3.99)Cheat: Type in the cheats menu (Career menu -> Bonus content -> Cheats):
2x more ammo from killed enemies - GAM, Unlock all chapters - UNLOCK, Faster reload time - DAOLER, Bulletproof - TFIS, Faster reload time - DAOLER, Move faster - EVOM, More powerful weapons - REWOP
(4.05)Cheat: Type in the cheats menu (Game menu -> Calculator): Invincible - 67818, Add $10000 Cash - 00001, Inifinte ammo - 44529, Run faster - 67818, Low gravity - 50506, Kick objects in the sky - 76015, Stronger to slide objects - 95512, Hardcore Enemy Spawning - 81011, Shoot while jumping - 11269
(4.10)Cheat: Type in the cheats menu:
Invincible: NINJA, All weapons: EQUIP, + 5 000 $: CASHING, Always be Kiro: KIRO, Always be Kienji: KIENJI, Always be vinnie: VINNIE, Alawys in rage: RAGE, Weak enemy: WEAK, Unlock next level: NEXT
(4.21)Cheat: Infinite money and ammo. To open the Cheats Panel while playing press: 6, 5, 7: Invulnerability - revive, Reloads your current gun - reload, Change character - perso
(4.04)Cheat: Type in the cheats menu (Game Menu -> CHEATS): Invincible - AHPLA, Add 50 000 $ - DLOG, Start with maximum security alert - EDOMH, Rapid fire with any guns - DIPAR, Inifinity of munitions - DEDAOL, No close combat enemies - PPONOP, Tougher enemies - DRAH, Lower gravity - TAOLF
(3.97)Cheat: Gold gives 9999999999 + time, invisibility against everything, higher Jump hack, level Skip, Construction mode in main menu just type [\], Lighting flies threw N, Auto cancel laser.
(4.07)Cheat: x9999 Ammo to all weapons, Weapon 11 unlocked (the best one), LvL 999, High Jump, Less Gravity, Insane Damage, Coin Hack, Blood Increase, Fire Increase, More FPS(frames per second) to reduce...
(4.09)Cheat: To open the Cheats Panel while playing press: 6, 5, 7: Full energy - revive, +$5000 cash - money, Acquire the shotgun - burst, Acquire the Barrett sniper rifle - snipe, Hidden costume - halloween, Change character - perso, Unlock bonus - treasure
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